"Where you won't be gambling on a good time, but betting on a sure thing!"
It's no secret that Hot Springs operated the largest illegal gambling racket in the country between 1927 and 1967. People would come from all over the world to enjoy a hot thermal bath, good looking and affordable ladies of the night, and gamble in any of the 103 establishments that existed up and down Central Avenue, Park Avenue and Lake Hamilton. The video presentation in this gallery is especially valuable because it contains the only footage of Hot Springs madam, Maxine Harris Jones, giving her history lesson on Hot Springs. This sage's insight into the world of finance and politics is priceless and still holds true today.
The Casino Gallery is the most popular room of the tour, as it serves as a casino (sorry, for fun only....) for the many receptions and motor coach tours that reserve The Gangster Museum of America for their functions.

"For more eye-witness accounts and insight into the role these powerful people played in the life of Hot Springs,
Arkansas, visit the Gangster Museum of America, 510 Central Avenue, or visit the TGMOA Gift Shop on line."